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Why you Should Get Invisalign Aligners Instead of Braces

Why you Should Get Invisalign Aligners Instead of Braces

For many who do not have a naturally straight smile, you might be considering having orthodontic work to correct it and been recommended braces. Nobody wants ugly braces that make you look like you have a pair of metal chompers for teeth. Moreover, food particles can easily get stuck in them and are generally much harder to clean.

What is Invisalign?

 Invisalign aligners are invisible custom-made orthodontics that help in rectifying various degrees of misalignment instead of using traditional braces. It is a clear computer generated mould created from the impression of the patient’s teeth making them unique to each individual. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, a patient may be required to use them for approximately 20 hours a day for a period of six to over eight months (or as recommended by your dentist).

Here are some great reasons to get Invisalign aligners instead of braces:

  • Comfort

Unlike traditional orthodontic braces that consist of uncomfortable metal wires causing irritation to the gums and teeth, Invisalign aligners are made up of gentler plastic material. Your dentist will ensure they are adjusted to fit your mouth to minimize pain and discomfort but minor adjustments are made to address the misalignment.

  • Food restrictions

Traditional braces have lots of nooks and crannies where food particles can get lodged and give rise to other dental issues. This is one of the reasons why patients are discouraged from eating certain foods making the experience even worse. With Invisalign, you can continue to eat all of your favourite foods while clean your teeth as normal. These braces are removable which means there is no trapping of food substances in them. Just make sure to give them a quick clean after each meal and put them back on immediately.

  • Barely noticeable

As they are made from clear plastic, the aligners are barely visible and won’t impact your personal appearance. People will hardly know you’re wearing them! Now you can laugh and smile with confidence no matter where you are or when posing for a picture with friends or family

  • Reduced treatment period

On average, it takes around 12 months to produce the desired results. This is, of course, depends on your teeth not being severely damaged. Braces can sometimes take up to 2 years to straighten teeth.

  • Completely removable for easier cleaning

Invisalign aligners are designed to be easily removable whenever you need to take them off, especially when brushing and flossing. Run them under lukewarm water, brush your teeth as normal and you’re done! This helps in maintaining regular oral hygiene and fewer visits to the dentist. However, it’s recommended that you wear them for 20-22 hours a day to ensure they provide the optimum results.

  • Reduced damage to teeth and gums

Since there are no sharp edges or protruding bits of metal that may scratch the delicate gum and cause damage, you don’t need to be too cautious and can focus on living life.

Think this might be the ideal option for you? Get Invisalign aligners and experience the amazing benefits of stress-free maintenance, the ability to eat confidently and a relatively quicker period to restore a new winning smile.  Make an appointment with one of our experienced dental practitioners and drive down to Hawthorn Road Family Dental Clinic today!

Dr. Mahima Krongold

Dr. Mahima Krongold

Dr Krongold has been practicing dentistry for over twenty years. She has background experience dealing with a diverse range of dental issues, which vary significantly from individual to individual. Her experience has been built upon by her endless thirst for practical and technological advancement in the field of crowns, implants, bridge work, root canals, endodontics, teeth whitening and cosmetic work. Dr Krongold is a family dentist with three children. Children's dentistry is a specialised area for her, particularly encompassing oral hygiene and dental comfort.

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