A root canal treatment might sound scary, but if you understand the procedure, you will realise that it’s only meant to help end the pain you’re experiencing. We briefly explain what you can expect and why it’s not as daunting as you think.
Root canal treatments are essential when you have an abscess in your tooth, extreme dental pain, gum disease or decay. Though they often sound overwhelming, it is important to know that a root canal treatment conducted by a professional dentist will be done so with the utmost hygiene and care – and is fairly straightforward.
So, here’s what you can expect from a root canal treatment?
- Preliminary Study
An X-Ray of the affected area is the standard beginning of the process for a root canal procedure because the dentist needs to know precisely where to perform the treatment. They will be able to proceed once they can determine the characteristics of the roots affected.
- Removal of decay
At this point, the dentist will remove any surface decay before proceeding to clear out the various canals of your tooth’s roots. It’s important to remove any immediate signs of decay at this stage, because any disregard of this step can lead to severe further infection.
- Tooth opening and tissue removal
Once your tooth has been opened up, the dentist will use an endodontic file to remove the infected tissue and ensure that the canal is properly clean. Remember, that you are likely to have an anaesthetic, so you will merely feel pushing and prodding during this stage.
- Plugging and sealing
The dentist will clean and sterilise the canal, which is then filled with a permanent material (known as gutta-percha), and the opening to your tooth is sealed with a filling. The aim of this is to ensure that the canal won’t be affected again by a potential infection. Think of this step as simply filling and sealing a hole.
- Crown
Now that the canal is clean and the opening is sealed, the dentist will put a crown over the damaged tooth to ensure it looks as though nothing has occurred underneath.
With a full understanding of what occurs during a root canal, you’ll be able to know exactly what to expect should you need one in the future. If you want more information regarding the procedure, feel free to contact us anytime.